Privacy, Surveillance and Identity
Clarke, R. A., & Wigan, M. R. (2011). You are where you have been: : The privacy Implications of location and tracking technologies. The Journal of Location Based Services, 5(3-4), 138.
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Wigan, M. R. (2010). Owning identity - one or many - do we have a choice? IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 29, 7.
Wigan, M. R. (2002). Personal data space in organisations; managing personal knowledge and identity. In L. Holmes, D. Hosking & M. S. Grieco (Eds.), Distributed technology, distributed leadership, distributed identity, distributed discourse: organising in the information age. (pp. 45-56): Ashgate.
Wigan, M. R. (2000). Personal data space in organisations; managing personal knowledge and identity. Paper presented at the Eighth International Asia Pacific Organisational Studies Colloquium Dec 14-17th, Sydney
Wigan, M. R. (1992). Data ownership. In R. Clarke & J. Cameron (Eds.), Managing information technologies, organisational impact II (Vol. 1, pp. 157-169). Amsterdam: North Holland. pdf of the key points in powerpoint
Updated and edited on 3 August 2013